
Showing posts from October, 2007


For those who are not gamer’s person, you probably don’t know what is this. A brief introduction “For true racing enthusiasts who demand unparalleled driving realism at home, the innovatively designed Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel combines form and function with the latest technology in wireless and force feedback.” I am a fan of driving simulation games and I have being eyeing on this for sometime, still looking for a good deal for this items. Wonder is anyone out there or who come across my blog will give me some advice or tips where I can get one of this cheap. I don’t mind used unit, because I know one day it will neglected him and make him alone sitting in my cupboard as well. First thing first, I really wanted is to kill my emotional and spiritual excitement for the moment whereby “kicking” me since the launched of FORZA2 motorsport. I already got this game but without the steering wheel, you won’t feel how great it this game. Am sure gamer's will know what i mean!!! Addit...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2007

Wishing to all my friends and people who’re celebrating this coming festive season, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! I wonder this year my malay friends will invite me to their open house? Well, it good to take this opportunity to visit them. Most of the people who’re not celebrating, will take this long holiday for vacation & holiday. Have you plan yet? As for me, guess will be spending my holiday at home or with some unfinished works. Anyhow, wishing everyone Stay Happy, Stay Safe, Stay Good, Stay Cheers, Stay Lucky …..

Portrait vs Caricature

Wah… surprise today when I checked my email, received email from “ Kon ”. Subject of the email :- Por Portrait 05 Oct. At first I also never notice the subject until I saw the photo of myself in hand drawing portrait. Wow…. So cool leh! My friend “Kon” has draw caricature of cheeky me last month, then today another portrait me. I wonder izzit because during Sook Yee son 1 year old birthday party, I spoken to him. He draw this to cheer me up? Somehow, I appreciate the effort and times that he spends to draw me. Or in other words, I am draw-able; therefore I being used as one of him main role model on drawing cheeky smile or especially ideas to do with smiles. To my friends out there, I being asked by many friends of mine “where u get this drawn?” I don’t know whether it appropriate to ask him directly to draw, but I spoken to him about requests of drawing caricature or portrait. I can recommend my friend “Kon” to you, so you can ask him yourself! By the way, he is still single ….. l...