Why I put this as the title? Well, this is one of my Cuban Salsa Instructor [Si Fu] Llyod Duncan! {Next to me in the middle}People who are interested, can login to his site and have a look! He has published a ‘Salsa for Beginner’ DVD’s for sale where I am in the video as well! :D PLEASE support……..!
This photo taken 2004 Sport Relief Day, we are doing a La Rueda/ Casino demonstration.
There are two things in New York that seem to attract a pallid, scuzzy star allure I just cannot rationalize: D-list celebrity parents and the East Village.
Thanks for setting up your information site here. I'm going to bookmark it for future reference.
I have a glucosamine information site/blog. It covers glucosamine information related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get a chance