Those days working in Severn Trent Water Co.(STW)

People do asked me why I was in UK for 3 years but I only been studied for 2 years? Well, this can explains it all! Yup, was there in UK, Nottingham for 3 years plus almost 4 years. Two years fulltime studies, 1 year working in STW and rest of the days was the holidays in between.
I have great memories worked in STW, actually I started working at this company as map searches. Quite simple task at the beginning, after few months my team leader asked me learn to become data technician, then deal only with urgent. Somehow, this position you will only get urgent and everyday you will have urgent requested by solicitors; so far no one complain my ability to work in this urgent. There goes my story in STW where I got promoted and of course lah; my pays also raise a little bit loh.
Nicola, I think I need your help to fill the name for me. BJ3003, PC1111, PC1001, PC1002 and so on……….cheers


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