
Showing posts from April, 2007

Special Request

There is always few ways to look at something, the positive way or the negative way. Some people with good imagination, can interpret to more than positive and negative; they can do it side way, back way, easy way, normal way or the hard way. Well well well, don’t get me wrong about this okay! My intention to post this photo is mainly a “Special Request” by one of my friends, and I chose not to post on 77FF blog or other website due to some reason behind. By unaware of posting something might easy get “ T ogether I nformation U rself” (if you know what I mean? Haha) However, I think its better to do it “My Way”; posting in my own blog will not “ F orever U ncomfortable C rying K isses”. So to the reader of my blog, PEACE!!! p/s: Phang, hope you like the editing of the photo. Not until I receive any authorization from you, I will not post it to some where else.

Tampin "DIY" Satay

Satay is a shish kebab style dish that has long been popular in Indonesia and Thailand. It is most frequently associated with Thai food, where satay made from cubes of beef, chicken, or lamb may be dipped in a traditional peanut relish or sauce. Food historians are not certain if satay was first introduced in Indonesia or in Southeast Asia. Regardless of origin, both Thai and Indonesian satay are praised by fans as quite delicious dishes. Is the introduction good enough? Well, sure good lah…copy from the internet one mah! Anyway, let talk about this “Tampin Satay”; I tried during the weekend; this shop is quite famous for Satay? Yes, I think it because of it ~DIY~ satay and also serve pork too. What is so special about this Tampin Satay? - Except the cooking part, most of the procedure you have to DIY. {heard if you can’t wait, you can cook the satay yourself too} - This shop only open at 12 midnight onward - They serve pork where most of the satay shop don’t sell pork {not Halal} - Ev...

Tanglung & Bunga Api Taiping 2007

This new post should update right after I come back from my Penang trip on the 8/4/07, but the mood of writing out a topic isn’t there yet. Although I have idea to write up a topic and share some of my strange experience to all “纷斯” fancy of my CSG blog. Well, here finally. Today is Saturday and I sitting at my office, taking this slow and steady hours at work to update my blog. Don’t think my boss will see my blog, if he ever sees this. Think I am in big trouble using working hour to update. Hehe! Last two weeks, the trips to Penang are mainly for “清明” Cheng Ming or “扫墓”. Is sort of traditional follow, traditionally to pay respect to the ancestors who passed away. Guess this is more on Chinese culture thingy. Every year I will go to Penang at least once, therefore I think because of this, generally I like Penang state a lot; not to mention the foods there was YumYummy! Is you want to know where to eat in Penang, I don’t mind to be the volunteer to bring you there! (Think I will be goi...

This Joke reminds me of ….

Wonder about those people who spend $10.00USD apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards:- NAÏVE I have a friend [Mr. A] who loves collection on Cartoon “Transformer” toy model. One day the friend of my bought this limited edition Transformer from neighbor country, Mr. A was very excited. Mr. A, keep talking about difficulties of getting this limited edition model, he has being looking for it quite sometimes. Mr. A also has another hobby of collection of “Evian” mineral water bottles. He says that Evian has launch new edition mineral water-bottle and wish he could get one. Right away Ms. C says …. Ms. C commented “What? You wanted to buy Evian mineral water just to bath your Limited edition model Transformer model ah? Hahahaha” Can you get the funny part? Above joke written just for laugh, there are no offenses to any particular person!!!