Cheeky First Slide


Zither said…
wah... so cool....
how can u make it ???
can u teach me ???
Por Por Channel said…
aiya, not that hard and also not tat simple loh

just go to
there will teach you, quite simple one lah...just follow step by step ....! :D
Crystalicious said…
Wow, now someone also create slide with blink blink like crystal shinning :D hahhaha. Nice :)
Por Por Channel said…
haha....white crystal ...blink blink like you loh...! :LD
Crystalicious said…
Since when you started to love Crystal:D? Did you ask for my permision??? hahaha...
Anonymous said…
tis slide picture is to show dat u r slowly slowly....become fat fat. haha..... Just guess who m i? sure u noe m who.hahaha......
Por Por Channel said…
well.....really testing on me, i very bad at guessing .......lah!

guess u can dance , right?

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