My Desktop PC giving problems

Last night, I tried to uninstall some of the program from my PC. Then after I restart my PC, it cannot load to the main OS page. Display some words missing .DLL file, Ohh….shit! System files also lost mean I accidentally uninstall some important programs.
Lucky I know the important files still remain in the hard disc, it just needs to back up all the files. I guess most people who use computer a lot; you know how it feels when all your files are gone. I experienced once last time, most important is all my photo, MP3, video, documents that collected all this while its still there. Guess I wouldn’t want to elaborate on this much, just slightly brief thru.
Reminder: -
If you have important files in your PC where you haven’t back up, or you have the habits but still haven’t backing up those files lately. My advice to you, BETTER do it today!

Last but not list, there is no better reason I post it in my blog regarding my PC problems. Come back to the purpose of blogging, it a E-Dairy for us mah. So we can share our daily life, tots, things happened or announcement or achievement here right?


kon said…
ya, cheeky, agreed with you,haiz
look like our live was tie up
with our PC. we needed to take good care of it...

i always backup my artwork.
but still worry this kind of problem
happen in suddenly. cause we cant work without it.

i think after the rush, will do
some backup some. thanks for remind:)
Por Por Channel said…
First of all, Kon you shd do that man! i tell you, if not....u will definately F(*&^%$#$%^&*(*&^%$ regret one if all your file lost!

I need to take this opportunity to thanks my frens "Borat Phang" to help me to fix and update my PC for me. Now i got instead one Harddisc, now i got two new harddisc.... due to limited of SATA connection Harddisc! But afterall, it future. i upgrade my desktop....still i can transfer all my harddisc over!

Thanks brother!
Anonymous said…
anytime.... :D
Por Por Channel said…
Thanks bro!

wah.....this down time for my PC... really make me spend some expected $$$

til now to end of the month, have to eat ROTI only loh :D
Crystalicious said…
Eat Roti and dream abt PSP :p Will you? Yeahhh, you will, i know :D
Por Por Channel said…
PSP Slim.......
ok mah.....
PSP i will also become slim loh! :P
Crystalicious said…
Ya lor, you become so slim becoz have to cut down your meals for it...Everyday eat roti,sure slim one :D
Por Por Channel said…
of course lah....
but i think cut down on foods also cannot get lah....
think have to work x2 extra only can get lah.....

cheap way to on diet mah!

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