Portrait vs Caricature

Wah…..so surprise today when I checked my email, received email from “Kon”. Subject of the email :- Por Portrait 05 Oct. At first I also never notice the subject until I saw the photo of myself in hand drawing portrait. Wow…. So cool leh! My friend “Kon” has draw caricature of cheeky me last month, then today another portrait me. I wonder izzit because during Sook Yee son 1 year old birthday party, I spoken to him. He draw this to cheer me up? Somehow, I appreciate the effort and times that he spends to draw me. Or in other words, I am draw-able; therefore I being used as one of him main role model on drawing cheeky smile or especially ideas to do with smiles. To my friends out there, I being asked by many friends of mine “where u get this drawn?” I don’t know whether it appropriate to ask him directly to draw, but I spoken to him about requests of drawing caricature or portrait. I can recommend my friend “Kon” to you, so you can ask him yourself! By the way, he is still single ….. ladies out there, you might have a chance lah! {Brother, you don’t mind I promoting you in my blog here right?}

Thanks to Mr. Kon


kon said…
well, here come some additional
rational for this portrait...

the original photo i was refer back to 2005 dec, when sook yee wedding time. when we first meet, that time your smile was carefree...

recently why you fall away
from your smile?!

Maybe i am kind of sensitive person. i felt your grief when spoken to you that night.

so soon later i sketch up this portrait based on your previously carefree smile, to remind you
of your smile

keep it up, with smile,
brother por, you can do it:)
Por Por Channel said…
wah bro!
thanks for all the constructive comments u leave here!
you can really sense it and observe my changes..... impressive man!

but thanks! i will remembered what we discuss about and will do my best to overcome all Obstacles and will fight for it.

sure my cheeky smile will slowly return to me!

Samlulu said…
Hahhah...for those who don't know both of you really think Kon is interested on u or the other way round. (just kidding)

Kon is a special person, normally a guy will only interested to draw portrait for ladies but he is into Cheeky b'coz of his cheeky smile. Not that i am jealous but good job Kon. At least you cheer up someone. You made his day!
Anonymous said…
Wow.. this is different than the previous one.
But, I felt this portrait look a bit sad & melancholy...

Btw, Cheer up! Cheeky is always have cheeky smile one.. Sad & melancholy should not on cheeky face one!!
Ganbatte kudasai~
Por Por Channel said…
samlulu, yes....totoally agree with you. he is the MAN!
really cool guy and glad that i have such a fren like him!

i wonder samlulu, u have any good gal to recon to him leh?!?!?! or may be he already found someone! :P
Por Por Channel said…
Eve, my smile not the same meh? when u saw me? ........
by the way, the portrait really cool leh.....
another side diff of me, cheeky plus cool! look at my hair style, powderful leh!
cheers eve, will do my best to maintain my cheeky smile ... always
Samlulu said…
No la..i won't recommend any gals to Kon lah..not that he is bad just that i believe he is capable to do it if he really found someone.
kon said…
haha. sam, i interested on guys, because of the brotherhood feel,
not gay, although i respect those
homosexual couple.

well, my "niece", sook yee also say that she believe i am capable if i really found someone...(really same thinking level har, )

anyway, i should take it as compliment,:) sure will become better man in future.
Por Por Channel said…
haha ... samlulu u said "he is capable to do it if he really found someone" which mean he can or cannot.....?? beside, i guess introducing more diff sex frens or knowing more isn't a bad thing at all. somehow it can expand our friends network mah!

one thing for sure, i have faith in kon that he capable of finding someone special for him.

the longer we live in the world, the better that we can be! live life to the max! PEACE!

kon, but seriously i really met you few times only. but got something in you that build a trust wall there. i treat you like my brother@mate! really....!
kon said…
me too, BROTHER cheeky,
& thanks for your concern...

well, for now i like to be alone.
meaning to be more independent...
but still finding my "soul mate"
for future, not only for a marriage. (i knew was a bit fantasy) anyway, i still like to dating with girl one, don't worry, :)
Crystalicious said…
Wow, what is happening here??? Brother Reunion entry har? :D
sharlydia said…
hi, first time visiting your blog...found your caricature funny coz it obviously was showing your "breasts"! hahaha!
Por Por Channel said…
Brother Kon, wah.....u like to be alone ah? Dont be alone too long woh, scare it will create a wall or lonelyness afterall! :D somehow, u got the talents skill to charm your soul mate! Jia Yu!

White-crystal, happening here meh? i also never expected so happening leh.... somemore got one new comer leave footprint here! let me greet her too!

Sharlydia, hi .... first time encounter such a name!you origin from? by the way, not til you mention about my "breasts" i also never noticed. haha funny, it actually look like one! :P if you have visit my blog again, pls scroll down to my caricature. That "breasts" is actually my tummy :P
Crystalicious said…
Hahahha, breast and tummy...Lolz, so funny. Cheeky got single breast hahhaha...Let me check it out :D
Por Por Channel said…
white crystal, please see it properly lah...it double lah breasts! where u find single breast?
dont play play, my breasts can be bigger than some ..... ahem....ahem leh..... :P

ops....we're over 18SX now.
kon said…
"single breast"
so creative + humor har,
you har, crystal.
and also sharlydia:)

i never thought of it,
my false. brother cheeky, sorry:)
it's true, got this illusion..
kon said…
p/s: haha, i review it twice,
the scroll down post full body
still look okay:)

but on this post really got
this illusion of "single breast" :)

then, it's not my false,
brother cheeky, is purely
after your cut & paste
to half body become problem.

anyway, happy holiday:)
Crystalicious said…
Ok ok, i'm wrong. You don't have single breast, you have tripple breats, hahaha....Two breasts on top and 1 breast at bottom, lolz...

@Kon: You did a great job, man...Hahahaha
Por Por Channel said…
Guys Raya over loh, depavali coming loh....

by the way, Brother Kon....the single breast thingy.... how can it be single? i saw its double lah! u see properly lah! but the illusion seem ok and look cute as well.... very creative leh :P

feel like crystal have problems with my breasts woh..... crystal, you cannot envy i have such a cute breast one :P

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