New Job, New Resolution, New Aim
The best thing in my career life is I always joined company that my role in the company as OLK – “One Leg Kick”. OLK mean one man show or a person has to do everything! If you ignore my title on the namecard as Sale Engineer, Sale Executive or etc, generally the namecard is only for shows and my job task usually covered everything (Pao Kar Liao – Hokkien). Therefore you won't be surprise to see below my name written as OLK. I just started to joined new company early this month, which mean from now I only work started less than a week in this company. The third day, all the admin staff is on leave or holiday. So……? What do you think? …. Me lah, I have to blend in and become admin clerk. (You should know what admin clerk do, i don't have to explain ya) Nightmare comes when I have no FXXXing ideas; the procedure and document located, hence the company admin job is quite systematic. Never felt this stressed in my previous company although my role also OLK. Lucky later that day, my sister drop by at helped me out. (My sister working in this company before and just resign 2 months ago.) Guess next topic, I will write in more details on my job situation for my “fan-si” – my cheeky fans supporter who still check out my blog very often. FYI, most of my friends also seldom see me around that often …. Hope you guys can understand why I being MIA for quite sometime.
To be continue …… stay cheeky
P/S: Let me promote abit of my products now, i sells Lubricant Oil and Diesel (mainly Shell brand, we have others brand as well) If you come across anyone or you need Lubricants oils. Contact me!!!
started a new chapter
in your career life wor..
Keep it up, i will mentally
support you from time to time.
if you are “One Leg Kick”
then i am "One Man Show" :)
OMS was brother to OLK ma,
P/s: brother, who's the one need Lubricant Oil har, :) not only machine need it meh? hahaha
OLK salute OMS .... we're brother!
Eve, wah...thanks for your support! i will work harder and with your wishes, guess... i can be better! thanks! u also ganbate woh!
creative on some words,
don't get offended.
just forget about the joke:)
good for you,
very fast concentrate
to promote your company product.
will help to passing your contact
for some of my client in industry line...
ganbate woh, brother.
i only notice you refer to the "lubricants" oil lah. great! guess, next time i need to expand to this market as well...
by the way, thanks alot ... it great that can expand my network of my business too!
@Cheeky: Your "lubricant" oil cheap or not? :D
designer alway good at imagination and sometime insane, i just control it only... so, not your false:)
but glad that you started back the topic rgd the lubricants oils again
hmmm, this new product should name it as "Cheeky One Lubricants Oils"
and the slogan was: Cheeky Want It!
sure become one of the best selling product in the market.
brother cheeky, do you buy this ideas? hahaha
if i can really start my own brand, then my status will be better than now ... no need to be so FH of $$$ ..... beside, can start a new story of my life.
by the way, really dunno bro kon and crystal is referring to what here?!?!?! man lubricant .... etc. is there anything ..... suspecious over here ah......??? FYI, if those lubricants, you can get it on your way out to cashier counter in Tesco or Qaint Hypermarket! :P
I'm wondering if Cheeky got own brand name of lubricant then it must be lubricant of his own wor....Special :D
Kon you want to buy man lubricant or oil lubricant ah? :D
only got computer, paper & my brain & pen.. so no need lubricant oil...Haha.
bro cheeky really do research one.
crystal, don't play play
with him hor:)
ya, i might want it, since i am getting old already ma, but i only trusted "cheeky brand" wor....
so bro, got to hurry up of your own brand R&D loh.
p/s: every one hunger for money, i see this as motivation to work even better:)
have to work hard lah...
hope clients dont need me to show demo lah...if yes, then dunno how to show lah.....
man lub ah?
to do what?
to sell the lub here?
or to use the lub here?
i think it good that can sell it and demo to ppl too :D