What you see and what you heard

What you see can be real?
What you hear can be real?
What is real and what is unreal?
Real can be true?
Real can be untrue?
True can be created?
True can be uncreated?
If created, can it be trusted?

You see and you hear; can it be real?
You see and you hear; can it be unreal?
You see and you hear; can it be truth?
You see and you hear; can it be untruth?
You see and you hear; can it be someone created?
You see and you hear; can it be someone scam?
You see and you hear; can it be someone envy?
You see and you hear; can it be someone jealousy?
You see and you hear; can it be someone afraid that you become better?
You see and you hear; can it be someone motive?
You see and you hear; can it be someone plans?
You see and you hear; can it be someone love or hate?
You see and you hear; can it be someone loves to hate?
You see and you hear; can it be someone hates to love?
You see and you hear; can it be from one person?
You see and you hear; can it be from two persons?
You see and you hear; can it be from three persons?

Things can be complicated…
Things can be simple…
Things can be trusted…
Things can be un-trusted…
Things can be believe…
Things can be unbelieverable…
Things can be right…
Things can be wrong…
Things can be made by others…
Things can be created by others too…

“Put on your thinking cap”
The scariest parts is what you see and what you hear seem truth, but fall in others motive plans.


kon said…
well brother,
even your mind sometime
will lie to you.
what can you say?

we need to find a smart way out.
when we deal with ppl with motive.

"Put on your thinking cap"
look like you "arms" yourself...
no good one.

only experience it, realized it
will help you growth..indeed.
Por Por Channel said…
bro, wah...seem like u know what i trying to say here .....
anyway, agree with you too!

ppl can think you have motive with them ..... but actually the motive come from them itself

really complicated!

anyhow, one hand can't clap with sound. Its take both hand to clap with sound!
u agree?

is what i or we discuss here related to my title? :P
Anonymous said…








Anonymous said…
Thinking is not as important as doing. If just thinking only without doing, then no point. The most important thing is Action is always stronger than Words.
Por Por Channel said…
may be you are right or may be you are wrong ........ there are no definate answer over your comment there!

if thinking is not important as doing, then ppl dun have to think?
of course think wihtout doing is pointless, but without thinking how u can do? so it that mean that you do something without thinking? shall i call it dumb?

agree with action is always stronger than words, but what sort of "Action" you refer to?
Is the "Action" you refer to relate or bring in some motives?

Too bad this person dare not to include he/she name when written this comment! [SOH]

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