New SE-G900 for Cheeky
Here is my new gadget again! U must be wondering how come i change new mobile again?!?!? actually the W910i that i owned on March i haven't used for a month, then i sent back for warranty. (twice) bad luck huh?!?! that is not that bad, worst is my phone at my friend shop my friend shop got break-in all phones was stolen and my phone is one of it :( therefore, i have to top up $$$ to get another new phone just got it yesterday, the function is basically combining Touch screen + normal features it kind of "smart" but can be complicated check out the phone here
not everyone have....
something special....
but imagine the radio keep announce the earth day and mention the date....
feel like i m getting old liao lah
Do u did any special in this day? i.e.for our Earth?
which my bday fall on the same date as earth day!
beside, now you ard announce it to the world liao loh?
cham loh, everyone know that i m old liao loh
for confirm it to me.
i really dunno your real age before but now i knew it.
Well, before that, i guess it only from your last comment regard first time after 31 years living in this world & ur bday fall on the same day as earth day.
So i guess Cheeky's age maybe same with 31 years later which Earth day.
Yup, everyone now know more about u liao.. Good mou... u getting to middle age. will getting more man liao.. Depend how u think it lo.. :D
for me, the age for a person is not the point, well the important is the person's Mindset & Attitude!
no big deal juts a number!
beside, i think that age i'm getting close to is quite macho leh :D
provided i have all the $$$ :D