New W910i for Cheeky

Old K810i to New W910i

Here is my new gadget "W910i"
I notice lately there ain't nice design mobile phone from SE
but no other option - have to stick with SE because of the phonebook transfer
is much more easy SE to SE mobile


Anonymous said…
How good your new h/p?
Por Por Channel said…
good or not?
i really cant comment anything yet by now....

but with the exchg ....i think this is the nearest spec. that can compare with my old K810i phone!

i heard and read pro & con review on this phone....

anyhow, hope for the best lah!
Anonymous said…
wow.. new year, new phone.. lot's new stuff :D

Good good... Anyhow, take some times to browse through it la.. I believe u will get used on it soon :)
Por Por Channel said…
i will try slowly play with it

shd be happy got a lot of new things lah

how are you?
Anonymous said…
wa.. i just realized that you got many mobile phone before...(refers to cheeky's history mobile phone post in Aug'2008) R you really have used about 20+++ h/p before?? or you are salesman for mobile phone before?? or you "choice shui" only??

if real one,so you should be got more knowledge / info about the h/p loh... why you change your h/p so frequent?? R ur h/p damage frequently?? i dont think you so bad luck after having them every time. haha...or You are the Stylish person !! :D

well, this time what are the attractive for you on this new W910i ??
Por Por Channel said…
nott blue, i didnt blow water on the phone usage be4!
i really did owned many phones be4 and i also dunno how to explain why and how can i change phone so frequently.
but obviously i know more on the SE phone rather than other brands.

if include those that not branded i think also got few more lah!

currently i also owned 3 phones, therefore i will go for PLC
P- pang
L- leng
C- chang

Anonymous said…
:D why you keep so many wife (3 units mobile phone) with you?? that why you muahaha...
haha...Dangerous for your health aah...!!
Por Por Channel said…
3 units is dangerous....
1 unit also dangerous....

then why not keep more loh :D

1 or 3 also make no diff mah!
Naughty Blue said…
No,got diff one!!
1 phone one call ; while 3 phone u may have three call at same time.

the more u pickup the more u talk & also more dangerous for u. becoz u may have a long period closely with h/p loh!
Por Por Channel said…
well...i only take the main one ...which is .... the 9493 no i have.....

so dont worry.... i will take good care of myself one lah!
Naughty Blue said…
haha... why u still keep so many line? got some reason one lah!!

ok. take main 9493 one... i hear first lo... T.K.

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