Long-Gan and Grapes fruits at My House


If you saw my previous post, there are apples tree at my house
Lately we have Long-Gan fruits and Grapes is on its way growth
in my house compound
Whereby this fruits is hardly growth in Malaysia.
Believe it or not???


Lazy Piggy said…
Wah...ur house so good hor.....Last time got apple,now got grape and long gan......
Por Por Channel said…
dont play play ah?
very ghen one lah :D
Naughty Blue said…
Wuya bo !! Lately your house also upgrade become "Fruits farm" !!

Long Gan grow in ur house, that one i may believe it.
Green Grapes hardly to believe. it difficult to grow in Malaysia one.

Green Grapes also my lovely fruits ohh ..hehe.. if real one, belanja me a bit & taste it. if it's sweet, i also want grape grow in my house compound :D
Por Por Channel said…
i also never expected all this fruits growth lah
it my dad hardwork :D

well, why dont u try to plant some at your house?
Samantha Tam said…
Por Por Channel said…
sam, you are really funny

but i cant complete disagree your statement :D
Naughty Blue said…
ok. i'm interest to plant grape(green or red), i also like.

Can you help me ask your expert dad, how wide land/compound i need for planting one grape tree? grape tree planted through blossom or seed or branch? where the farm i can get this plant? how long i should take for waiting my grape fruits grow out ard? ;)
Por Por Channel said…
wah i think you dont need a big space lah....
we just plant it into the big flower pot , that it!

..... it easy that you use the plant straight away, no seed and anything lah..... :d
Naughty Blue said…
first i must know, where to buy plant? pls tell me.
i hope it also grow in my house.
Grape super good for all of us leh.. do u know it?
Por Por Channel said…
where to get the plant ah....
well i also not sure lah...
have to ask my dad.....

my dad into planting
i into gadgets and stuff lah

so.....i think you follow me better, ..... i can tell you more about those gadget :D
Naughty Blue said…
Thanks... i'm looking forward for you about place for me obtain that plant.

what you means ard? i confuse ooh.. (why need to follow u)

i not play play one... i really interest on it :D
Por Por Channel said…
well...then make one day you ask my dad lah.....i think he is the best person to ask about this planting!

i m blur about this, all i know is that my house got fruits .
and isnt not only one..... it few other fruits :D
Naughty Blue said…
Wah... your house still got a lot different kind of fruits. like a fruits farm owh...:D

Ooh.... that why you look still young in your picture even you seldom take bird nest. Good leh...:D Various fruits you took is much better u took bird nest.

Really make me interesting leh... to plant my organic fruits too in my compound.

Thank you for u... i really must make one day to ask your dad. Currently, i'm busy. Can i make appointment around last week of the month JUNE 2009?
Por Por Channel said…
why are you so busy ah?
working in the acc firm ah?
now is peak period?
good luck then,.....
will wait for you
u still need to buy me dinner becoz you FFK me

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