PS3 Trophies
Playing PS3 is not only about finishing the games
Another interest is to earn more trophies
Some of you wonder how we can award a trophy?
Each game usually assign with dedicated task to do
As long you can meet the task
it will award you a trophy
Platinum trophy isn't easy to obtained
U can have your PS3trophycard display like above picture
Well, so u are trying to use ur whole power to get your coming 2nd Platinum Trophy....
haha...wait ur 2nd platinum trophy, then i check ur blog again. see u... if u get it, remember inform me ard..
like that u keep on "Lao You"... joking for you la... should "Jia You" for u right :)
will try to get it....
but i can tell you isnt tht easy to get a platinum trophy lah!
it take lot of times to play and play and play....the games!
i noted that u add one more silver trophy ar..
are you from singapore one??
so since all my save games at this acc. then no choice loh.....
how u know i added 1 more silver trophy???
bcoz my memory "Geng" loh...:> still remember no of trophies u got bf. i still waiting u get 2nd platinum. if not, u try to get more gold one. Hope you able to get better world ranking.
so hard and it take alot of times also
whereby lately i also busy with work and studio anniversary stuff. not much time to play it....
i wish i can get more platinum lah, becoz it is some goal or aim for getting it :D
can show show off abit leh.... world ranking also better :D
Even u very busy, still hv to give a bit time for yourself to rest,ok.
This prove that you r super busy lately until u become " San Wan Yu".
alot in the brain processing... like my brain isnt functioning well lah
u can see the trophies is not increasing
ur brain not functioning well, very "Kit Shou" :( Brain can not change one! if ur memory not enuf space, i still can help u leh..
yes, ur total trophies are not increasing still 285
Actually, i think Cheeky very care & put alot of effort on ur coming studio anniversary, that why ur brain suddenly a bit hang loh.. too much things want to process at the same time. good luck & TK :D
u free liao?!?
really powerful woh....!
not free, but when i free fast fast take the time to play loh...
somemore now aim is to get more trophies mah.....
my frens also challenge me..... friendly challenge lah....
but they have more times, not like me usually no times
yup lo... this sunday u should be not free ard... Father Day
i always hear that u brought alot gadget for urself. hahah.. it's time for u also buying a gadget for ur dad mou..
Not u have no time but just bcoz u fully utilize ur time for ur planned activities. correct mou?
very forgetful lah!
i saturday ard celebrate father day loh.....
how about you?
Luckily your memory still OK, remember father day. so forgetful currently ard !! then u may forget me exist here any time lo.. :C so bad!!
just almost a week not check ur blog, you got alot of trophies.
i remember b4 u got 1 platinum.
Now ar... you improve a lot
especially ur world ranting
from 98XX to 7906! Platinum 1-->2
Gold also increase much almost half b4 trophies. u not bad ard.. :)
actually the trophy card generator not update my info.... i got 3 platinum now lah......
total of 377 trophies liao loh
Errr...You are "woh fu chang long"
now your show time ard... you not longer blur blur.
it just becoz the trophycard generator currently under some maintainance, that why is not showing the latest on my trophies!
once it updated, then you can have alook :D
i planning to get the 5th also...but it need some more times
Are you " zou ma " ?!?!
well, until now i just saw you got 2 platinum only.
so you can see my update on the trophies liao....
izit got 4 platinum lah :D
it not easy, .... after one platinum is very tiring lah...
that why lately i also stop awhile ard :D
Well, even u still had 4th platinum trophy but ur world ranking still keep up :P
(7906 to 6514)
i think bcoz of ur gold trophies increase a lot, right?
rest, yes i have to now becoz my PS3 got prob liao
need to send back to the shop :C
so keksim
wah!! i remember ur this PS3 bought in the beginning of year 2009, it just half year b4, quite fast for it to send back to repair :C but no choice.
well, faster send it to specialist, hope it able to function well soon.
when u free, u can email or reply my comment on time loh :P quite nice, right? hahah.. or u watch movie or read books also ok.
yes really keksim lah.... just lately i got few new games. when i wanted to play, then problems occurred :(
dunno u know how i feel or not? i almost tot of getting a new set now... how?
hahaha..... my trophies got increase mou???
wah.. you already bought new set of PS3? when ar?!?!? before you mention u almost tot of getting a new set OR after i express my opinion
yup, i noticed that ur trophies got increase, So BAD !!! :C
bcoz your world ranking drop mah from 6514 to 6646 !!hai... Pls show ur power, good luck to cheeky :)
someone special got even full power that can make me get the new set!
be4 u mention i ard bought a new set loh.
the special ppl also giving full support and full energy and full of everything during the purchase of my new wife :D
therefore now i have full confident when using it :D
to the special person who read this, u mention i will have 100% stress-free using this set .... sure can last for more than year!
somemore lately less time to play and also my set got prob....
so now also slow down on collecting trophies loh!
i always treat special one good....
with the power and i think everything will goes smooth lah....
but this trophies topic why suddenly come to our discussion one?
my trophies .... ps3 trophies...
when u join me into gaming?
today u get more trophies, world ranking also up to 6587, getting better.
bronze trophies can get lah...! i wish i can get few more platinums! provided that i have times to earned it lah!
i tot you also play games? when u going to buy iphone?
i lately play Left 4 Dead.
i think i also no time to play it.
i'm going to change my job coming this August. hahah... i will have a new job, new working environment, new boss, new colleague...etc...challenging for me :> Well, i will remember your last advice :D
you play games ah...good ..... good for relaxation :D
hahah... today is my second day working in the new company. Currently, every things are GOod.
1st day after half hour i checked in the company i start work already. 2nd day i completed a few small work.
tell you ar.. a lot of my new colleague tot i'm the fresh graduate in this first two days...may be i still look young ohhh. some younger than me still tot i fresh graduate... kakaka... i will keep young for myself! Actually, i already had about three years working & social experience. Hope i can be a Senior there soon.
u sure ah?
how old are you ? .... u shd tell me!
by now i also dunno much about you lah!
your new company, i think you seem to like it lah..... nice ppl leh :D
Hehehe... yes loh...i'm young one. but look more young! sound like not believe leh?!
how old i am? .... kakaka.. now i sure to tell you that i'm younger than you lo..abit bit....but look young much much than you OOOooooo
by next week you will know more about me!
my new company, yes,i agreed your guess. Beside, i also like that job. Well, how about ur work? got any special or fun from your recent work?
going to have my 6th platinum also lah......
but have to wait .... when i got times i will try to get it!
anyway, about you,..... when u want to show up? ......
i'm excited to know where you got such power for yourself ?!
trying to get another one , but i think need to give more times on this!
lately no times to play, and bz with my iphone too
that why sometime you MIA here