Cheeky iPhone 3GS
I have to be very honest on this
all this while i m not a big fans of "Apple" products;
reason to that is i don't find iTune program is user firendly
Why i chose this iPhone 3GS?
well, to me i seriously no comments
put it simple - cheeky is a gadgets savy person
therefore it good to experience one of the hot gadget in town
finally got the Maxis iValue on this 2 yrs contract
16Gb iPhone 3GS (White)
{will skip the dissapointment topic on Maxis breaking most
of the customers who had paid pre-booking fees}
but at least i manage to build the relationship with the
manager in Klang Maxis centre to collect my phone early priority
(have to credits to him for helping)
Comment on the iPhone yet??!?!?!?
cheeky still haven't fully ultilize the functions and feature
so in this post i not going to comments much,
but to some of my fan-si who is waiting to know
what is my new gadget.
My gadget review loh!!!
Cheeky, you ard...really own my dream iphone 3GS leh!!! white also!! this is all my wish ohh...
Why u going so fast to own my wish gadget ar!??
i 'bei song' you liao... hehehe
Dunno how to say... u this time send two words for me..."Surprise & Happy"
Currently, you love it very much leh!!?? until sleep u also caring & hug it oh! & keep it nearest with u every minute.
Yup, i'm agreed to you,
Cheeky ALWAYS is a CELERITY man on his gadgets :D
the previous post i ard mention there is new gadget coming mah :D so now u know what is the new gadgets loh :D
now u not happy with me ard ah? haha or u envy ah? .... so when are you getting ur iphone 3GS? .... u know u still have to wait if u want to get the phone now? ..... need to wait another month for the stock lah!
so u trying to say tat i m fast ah? ... well..... haha.... paisei lah!
that why i NOt green-eyed-monster lo.. but i admire Cheeky :D
you are bad lah...u silentX2...suddenly made a shock to me one!
oic, iphone is ur new gadget, really difficult for me to guess it leh. becoz i tot u wont chg ur phone so fast one. Hahaha...but Gfriend cannot chg too fast ar..
You got Lubang to get it fast one??
i knew it's very good & unique! if not, why so many ppl interest to have it loh.
Be honestly, i now have chg my mind a bit for that iphone becoz i currently more interesting on CAMERA :D I want my camera got special LENS one, dont want those camera which have cybershot function!
so it actually worst then cheeky!
at least i know what i want, and i will go focus on my objective.
but you set a goal and suddenly can chg your mind; whereby you not even try to get achieve your goal yet!
which i think it dangerous compare to cheeky!
well, i never admit that - YES i m anti- Apple products. i used to have an ipod be4 long time ago when i was in UK. really find that the iTune not user friendly enuf for me just by playing music on my device.
therefore i give up and then also hate it.
but i know the products they have it unique and pricey too! anyhow, this time i really give it a try and found that it really good fun to play and impressive :D
my set no jailbreak and all ori one lah!
well, this time i chg it,i hv reason one. Cheeky,thank you be my friend. u r touch :D & also thanks for being straight with me. But, i still lucky, i NOT 100% as above uncertain ppl. haha.. if like that, my whole life become Waste!!
therefore, i think u just read and that it la.
unless i know you more or u really my frens and we being knowing each other long. then i can be very straight forward one lah.
[this one i can blame u] u loh! never reply me, when is the next meet up? ..... fast fast!
Wah... you further blame me ar..
i 'get shen' loh!! i got reply you ma.. you two weeks FFK me leh :(
besides, you go to ask me fastX2 ar.. so Cheeky...when?
dunno it frens or not, but i think if ppl then i havent meet i dont really consider as frens!
u r juz someone who visit my blog, therefore i just consider u as blog or net frens.
those so call blog frens is quite fragile.
if u really want to meet, then can meet anywhere.....
but if u think i FFK ..... then i guess u just remain here is good enuf lah!
whether you want to meet or not....
i careless now.....
becoz if you want to meet or not, isnt my matter anymore!
beside, dont expect me to play this hide n seek games with you
i have no time to entertain
want to show, u show!
want to chat, u chat!